Monday, August 12, 2013

This Blog Has Moved!

This site is no longer active. 

Love Fresh, Fit, and Fancy? For more fresh recipes, fit tips, and fancy ideas, head on over to the *NEW* site at

See you there!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Eat Local April

Spring has officially sprung, and the birds and the bees are buzzing from budding tree to blooming bush. I love the brink of a new season, and every year I tell myself "Oh! Spring is just my favorite!"Until Summer or Fall come around, then I am their biggest fan (shhhh, don't tell Spring!). Call me fickle, or call me optimistic. Either way, every new season beholds it's own kind of beauty, and I love them all!

I was wandering around downtown yesterday and I came across this poster that informed me that it was "Eat Local Month" in my city. I was having a difficult time coming up this ideas this month (I'll admit I have been a little busy as of lately…), but when I saw this poster, I thought to myself, "Ah-HA! This is it!" It was fate.

This April, in honor of "Eat Local Month", I want to challenge all of you in a manner that is different than just physical trials. This month will be a little more holistic in the sense that the challenge is not only beneficial to you, but greatly influences the well-being of your immediate community, as well.

Here's the challenge:

  • Shop your local market for fresh fruits and vegetables that were grown in your area. 
  • Eat local foods as much as you can!
  • That's it! 
Seriously, there is no catch. I am literally challenging you to eat. BEST CHALLENGE EVER, right?! Not only do you get to spend the month indulging in some of the most fresh food you can get you hands on, you will be doing wonderful things for yourself AND your community. Double whammy!

Some of the benefits include, but are not limited to:
  • Local foods are often more fresh, because they spend significantly less time in transit from location to location. They get from the farm to your plate much quicker!
  • Since local food does not have to travel as far, and therefore not exchange between too many hands, it often costs a lot less. Less transit time and distance and less exchanges leads to less expensive products. 
  • Small farms that provide the community with fresh food usually do not have to produce in mass quantities, unlike large commercial farms. Therefore, small farms can utilize cleanlier farming practices, i.e. less exposure to pesticides and chemicals. 
  • Chemical run-off is minimal from small farms utilizing cleanlier farming practices (less pesticides, etc.). You can enjoy fresh food AND help the environment!
  • By eating local, you are supporting small business, local farming families, and your local economy.

*Notice: On Instagram (IG) my username is no longer @fitspobod. It is now @freshfitandfancy. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Grocery Store Guide

I admit it, I am one of those rare people who loves spending time in the grocery store, as soon as I get past the overly crowded, crazy parking lot! (I swear, some people forget their manners when food is a factor.) I am a bonafide grocery shopping nerd. I should probably find a hobby other than shopping for groceries, although it is a rewarding one (dank food on the REG!) Anyway, grocery shopping can be a headache, sometimes. There are so many products out there that claim to be healthy for you, but are secretly fatty little buggers. Don't be fooled by the marketing scheme! A lot of companies are packaging their products in earth-tone colors with "organic" looking designs, giving off the impression that they are healthy to the untrained eye. DO NOT BE FOOLED! You know how it goes, "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is." (kind of pessimistic, but unfortunately true in this case).

I spend a good chunk of time reading labels of products that I am unfamiliar with. I do my absolute best when trying to determine if a product is "clean" and therefore something I want to put into my body. It is hard to keep up with all the lingo for artificial ingredients; it seems like there is a new one every couple of months! So, I decided to write up a little grocery store guide that can help some of you weed through the good and the bad products.

My suggestions are just a short list of many! If you are really so inclined, there are boat loads of conflicting articles and research on these things that you may sort through. This is my general guideline for what I look for when I go to the store.

What to Look For:

  • FDA Certified Organic.
  • Naturally Occurs in Nature.
  • Fresh Produce.
  • Whole Ingredients.
  • Whole Grain Breads NOT Whole Wheat.
  • Local.
  • Natural Sweeteners. 
    • Honey.
    • Raw Sugar.
    • Stevia (see section below regarding its use.)
    • Pure Maple Syrup (none of that Aunt Jemima or Hungry Jacks stuff!)
  • Stick to the outer edges of the store. The aisles are basically lined with processed junk, minus a few exceptions (olive oil, nuts, beans, etc.)
  • Read your labels! The only "ingredients" listed should be familiar to you and should be whole ingredients.

What to Avoid:

  • Unfamiliar or lengthy ingredients that make you go, "huh?"
    • Whole Foods provides a great list of such ingredients here.
    • I am sure there are more than what is listed, so the general rule of thumb is if you don't know what it is or if you can't pronounce it: don't consume it.
  • Artificial Sweeteners:
    • Aspartame: Equal, NutraSweet,
    • Sucralose: Splenda.  
    • Saccharin: Sweet'N Low.
    • Sorbitol/Mannitol.
    • Neotame.
*These are just the most common ones. There are many more artificial sweeteners that are listed with their respective "E" numbers here.

  • "Diet" ANYTHING! (These products usually contain all kinds of chemicals, artificial sweeteners, and sodium)
  • Anything that comes in a bag or a box. (Of course, this excludes bags of apples, greens, or otherwise "whole foods" that you can buy in bulk)
  • "Refined" Carbohydrates. 
  • Anything that has been bleached. Gross.
  • Added sodium or excessive sodium (usually used to preserve "diet" foods or "healthy" frozen meals. Again, don't be fooled!)
  • Excessively fatty foods like bacon or whole milk (these ones should seem obvious to you).
  • Over-the-top Claims like "0 calories!" or "Sugar-Free!" This usually means that they are either loaded with sodium or artificial sweeteners and are completely devoid of any nutritional value.

Why I Agree With the Use of Stevia as an Alternative Sweetener:
I do not include Stevia in my list of artificial ingredients, although some may consider it one. The premise of the argument is that although Stevia is a naturally occurring substance extracted from the stevia plant, it is still considered processed, because commercially made stevia extract involves a refining process. I will delve into this process further in a future post where I compare natural sweeteners with processed or artificial sweeteners.

For now, my thoughts on the matter are simple; the stevia plant's compounds responsible for the sweetness (steviol glycosides, of which there are over 30 different kinds) is naturally occurring within the leaves of the plant, therefore it is not artificial. It was not created in a lab. Point blank: that makes it okay with me. Stevia extracts, like the brand Real Stevia, are often "refined" in alcohol, which is the basis of almost all extracts out there. Under this premise, vanilla extract or maple extract would be "no-no's," as well. I think that classifying stevia extract as a "processed" food is a little extreme and unnecessary.

Don't like any kind of refined products? Grow your own stevia and make your own extracts and powders! That is about as natural as it gets. It's a fairly adaptable plant and can be grown as a houseplant if you don't have the space to cultivate it in mass quantities (let's face it, most of us do not own a farm…).

Not familiar with stevia and wondering what the heck I am talking about? Check out some stevia FAQ sections here and here to learn some more about it. Or check out that handy dandy Google machine.

An Example of My Grocery List:
So, now that I boggled your mind with a lot "do's" and "don'ts" of the grocery store, I'll share with you an example of what I buy every week or so at the store in order to lay it out a little more clearly.

*This list changes weekly, based on my weekly cravings, weekly sales, and seasonal availability. Asterisks (*) denote something in my kitchen that is considered a "staple" item, meaning I buy it once and use it for a long time until I use it up, and then I buy it again.

Tomato (I know, I am old-school and still consider it a vegetable. Shame on me. Old habits die hard.)
Sweet Potato
Butternut Squash
*I like to experiment with a new veggie every time I go. This time it was watermelon radish!

Scallions/Green Onions (or Chives)
Cilantro (Coriander)
Ground Black Pepper*

Frozen whole fruits for smoothies (Mango, Pineapple, raspberries, etc.)*

Meats: (Only when on they are on sale, in which case I stock up on them)
Lean, Ground Turkey*
Fish Filets*
Chicken Breast*
Smoked Salmon (often times, this is a splurge, but I shop the deals as best as I can!)

Whole Grain Bread
Whole Grain Pasta*
Whole Grain Couscous*

Fat-Free Greek Yogurt (I like Fage 0%, and I get a big 'ole tub of it!)
Fat-Free Cottage Cheese
Unsweetened Almond Milk
Unsweetened Apple Sauce
Beans (black, pinto, kidney)*
Garbanzo Beans (Chickpeas)*
Sriracha Sauce*
Extra Virgin Olive Oil*
All Natural Peanut Butter (or another kind of natural nut butter)*
Coconut Oil*
Coconut Flour*
Almond Flour*
Unsweetened Cocoa Powder*
Vanilla Extract*
Baking Powder*
Whey Protein*
Casein Protein*

As you can see, it appears pretty extensive. However, a lot of those items (noted with a *) I buy in bulk and they last me a long time, so it is only expensive on the initial trip. I buy my vegetables and most of my fruits at a local market, and it rarely costs me more than $20-$25. I shop the sales with my berries at the grocery store, and they are often on a "two-for" or "buy one get one" type of deal.

Here are is an example of a typical shopping trip to my local market. For all of the veggies shown below, it only cost be $20, and I couldn't even fit all of them in the picture!

With all of the above ingredients, I can make so many awesome, clean meals and snacks for up to 2 weeks. Some examples include but are not limited to homemade hummus, pancakes, stir-fry, mug cakes, omelets, and frozen yogurt. All the flavors are so fresh and complementary that you will rarely run across a bad combination.

My refrigerator and pantry are a clean eating GOLD MINE, and I LOVE IT! It took an adjustment period to stock my kitchen with these essential items, but I eventually made the full transition and opted to buy healthier foods each time I went back to the store. It is now a breeze, not to mention SO worth it.

Any and all feedback or questions is welcome! :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bangin' Beach Abs

An intensive abs circuit that tones your tummy everywhere! Get those bangin' beach abs and rock them in your itty-bitty ab-tacular bikini! ;)

March Madness

Here it is, ladies and gentlemen! A challenge for March that involves your entire body! It's madness, I tell you!

For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, summer is just around the corner! Challenge your entire body and get it in tip-top shape for the warmer weather that is coming our way! My lovely Southern hemisphere subscribers, you all are so hardcore that you are already enjoying your bikini bodies, but will do this challenge anyway, because you are just that tough. ;)

Read below for the details.

The Details:
1. For the squats, feel free to do ANY variation of the exercise that you wish to do. Mix it up with regular squats, plie squats, sumo squats, one-legged squats; if you can dream it, you can do it! 
2. All Ab workouts can be found either on my instagram feed or on my blog under the "Fit" page.
3. Like the February Ab Challenge, this does NOT replace your normal exercise routine. This is meant to challenge you and supplement your normal exercise routine.
4. It is absolutely essential that you maintain a clean, healthy diet in order to see optimal results! Don't sabotage your efforts with a poor diet. Don't starve yourself either. Eat plenty of fresh and healthy food!
5. Last, but certainly not least, send me any and all workout, progress, and before/after pictures either on instagram (#fitmarchmadness AND @fitspobod) or through e-mail ( for a feature!

Let the madness commence!

Love Your Lower Abs

The "pooch," the "bulge," the "FUPA." Whatever you call them, who doesn't dream of more flattering lower abs?! Turn that "pooch" into perfection. Make that "bulge" bangin'! Transform that "FUPA" into FABULOUS! Love your lower abs! 

**Make sure to do this in combination with cardio and a clean, healthy diet for maximum results!

Oblique Burner

A circuit to target your obliques! Give it a try. Repeat 2-3 times for maximum results!

Descriptions and examples of each exercise are best searched on Google. You can find videos that are very detailed! :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

A Lifestyle to Be Proud Of

I want to tell you a little background about me, my history with health and fitness, and the biggest lesson I learned through it all: my health is much more important than my weight. I am a real person with real strengths and weaknesses, just like everyone else.

We all have cellulite-free dreams of frolicking in a bikini all summer. However, losing weight does not necessarily mean that you are utilizing healthy habits. I think it is important to distinguish that "skinny" and "healthy" are not automatically synonymous terms. In my case, I would say my past approach with weight loss was less than ideal, although not as harmful as others. Everyone starts somewhere, and for me, that place was average, out of shape, and entirely unhealthy.

I used to count my calories like a mad woman and adhere myself to a firm calorie-constricted diet. I would consume no more than 1200 calories a day, yet often would consume less with a sense of pride. It didn't matter to me what these calories consisted of. It could have been Skinny Cow ice-cream or 100-calorie snack packs, as long as I met and did not exceed my goal of a maximum of 1200 calories that day, I was successful in my mind. "Eat Less, Move More" was my motto. I would drop weight like it was no big deal. "Oh, I have a big event in a month that I would like to look great for? No problem, let me just drop 10 pounds real quick."

Yeah, the idea of losing a lot of weight really quickly sounds pretty great, but in reality, it was completely and totally unhealthy in so many ways. I was obsessed with counting calories, and it affected my social life. I would have rather saved the calories than hang out with my friends and possibly "binge." If I ever went over 1200 calories, it was followed by feelings of defeat and guilt, even if I exceeded my limit by eating a piece of fruit! One should never feel guilty for eating fruit. This kind of lifestyle was completely unsustainable; I couldn't abstain from my friends and the finer things in life for the rest of my life just to be skinny!

In the end, when I couldn't stick to it anymore for a number of reasons and would go back to living a normal life, I would gain all the weight back and then some. It was like an never-ending yo-yo, and it was incredibly disappointing and discouraging.

I decided I needed a lifestyle change, and it needed to be long-term and sustainable. Counting calories every day and only consuming enough to not be considered "starving" was not only impractical and unsustainable, but harmful to my health in the long-term. The short-term satisfaction of being skinny for a few weeks was not worth the long-term health hazards of living this way.

As soon as I recognized that what I was doing was unhealthy and came to terms with it, I immediately stopped counting calories and instead started acknowledging the nutritional value of what I was eating. I read labels, learned about the ingredients, and focused on health benefits instead of weight loss. The most important change I had to make was my mindset.

Viewing your health as a lifestyle and not a diet is, in my opinion, the most important aspect to this change. As soon as I changed my mindset, I noticed incredible changes in my energy levels, clarity, and (of course) my body. The changes to my body became secondary concerns behind the multitude of health benefits that I was providing my body! As soon as I took care of my health, the rest took care of itself, including my weight. Now, if I had to guess, I would say I eat 1500-1800 calories a day of nutrient rich foods, and I never feel hungry or deprived. And guess what? I am now 10 pounds lighter, and those 10 pounds will not be coming back, because my health is my primary priority!

In order for it to be a lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life, you have to have realistic expectations and goals. You don't need to adhere to impractical restrictions like "no carbs after 3 PM" or put yourself on some unhealthy liquids-only detox for days on end. Make healthy substitutions for things you like to eat, make conscious decisions about what you are feeding your body, and by all means eat enough healthy foods to fuel your body and allow it to build and repair. Make this a lifestyle that you can be proud of!

There is no need to sacrifice your happiness just to look great. Feed yourself healthy, nutrient dense foods, and enough of it, and the rest will take care of itself! You don't necessarily have to "eat less," you just have to eat right! 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

Comfort foods hold a special place in my heart, especially because they are usually relatively quick and easy to make for the times when I am craving swift satisfaction in my belly. Often times, "comfort foods" tend to be loaded with more unhealthy calories and fat than I want to consume. However, it doesn't always have to be this way! Eating a clean, healthy diet does not mean you have to give up your favorite foods or spend hours prepping in the kitchen. With just a little tweaking and a few substitutions, you can enjoy your quick and easy comfort foods with gratification sans the guilt! 

Simple, healthy comfort food may be one of my favorite things. Some warm, lean red meat can go a long way on a cold night. Dinner doesn't always have to be so complicated!

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

Serves: 2 people
Serving Size: 5 slices
Calories per Serving: 235
Macros: 12g of Carbs
              10g of Fat
              22g of Protein

1 lean Pork Tenderloin
2 wedges of light Laughing Cow Cheese (I used light creamy swiss.)
½ Cup Fresh Spinach
2 Large Eggs
½ Cup Panko Bread Crumbs
Toothpicks, optional (I would recommend them, but I did not have any on hand, either.)

Directions: (refer to the image above for a demonstration)
Preheat the oven to 350ºF. 
Whisk the eggs in a bowl and set aside.
Butterfly the Tenderloin length-wise to create a pocket, without cutting it totally in half (leave one side still connected). Spread the cheese on the loin inside the pocket. Next, layer the fresh spinach. Fold the tenderloin to close it, securing it with toothpicks, if you have them. Dip the stuffed tenderloin in the eggs, making sure to give it a good coat, and then roll it in the bread crumbs. Place on a baking pan and bake for 20-30 minutes until cooked through, or until the internal temperature is 140-155º. Let the tenderloin sit for about 10 minutes to allow it to cook through a little more. Remove toothpicks, slice and serve!

My Tip: Top it off with Sriracha Sauce for an extra "kick." It only adds 5 calories and 1g of Carbs to your macros! Plus, the chili peppers in Sriracha Sauce contain a component known as capsaicin, which is loaded with health benefits, including a boost to your metabolism and a rise in your endorphin levels.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rainy Day Workout

When it comes to fitness, I hold a "no excuses" policy! Excuses do not produce results. Effort does. It may be raining cats and dogs outside, you may not have a gym membership, or you may not want to face the rain to get to the gym, but that doesn't mean that you can't break a sweat! Here is a workout that anyone can do anywhere (inside, of course) on a rainy day!

We have had almost 2 days of solid rain here, and it has put quite a damper on my normal routine. At the moment, I am what most people refer to as "gym poor." I haven't quite found the funds to shell out for an awesome gym membership, but that is not an excuse. I love to run and workout outside, because it feels so freeing and peaceful. I experience so many cool things each time I step outside for a run, from people walking down the street to the smell of blooming flowers. However, running and working out outside in the rain sounds more like an illness waiting to happen. Yeah, yeah…"if you keep waiting until the conditions are just right you will never get anything done" and all that, but I can accomplish just as much at home without risking illness, injury, or a headache from traffic while driving in the rain. So can you! Don't let the weather keep you from achieving your goal.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Protein Mug Cake

I have a confession to make. I have a little bit of a problem. I am a complete and total choco-holic, but not only that. I must come "clean" about my addiction to mug cakes! Seriously, I have gone a little mug cake slap-happy lately. There is something about a 3 minute healthy cake that just beckons to me, and I can't stay away! The best part? This completely satisfies my appetite, fuels my muscles with an abundance of protein, and crushes my cravings for sweets all in one fell swoop! I just can't get enough. Did I mention that I am addicted?

Sweet, healthy mug cakes like this have literally saved my hiney in recent times. My boyfriend has a little bit of a donut problem. And when I say little, I mean he comes home with a ½ dozen donuts every 2-3 days and downs them all in about 1-2 hours flat. If I am not careful, his donut problem could quickly become my donut problem! It is the craziest thing, though. He eats all these sugar and fat laden donuts, but has more defined abs to show for it! MEN, right?! Sometimes, life just isn't fair. Thank goodness for these sweet little clean treats!

Low calorie and nutrient dense, this cake is perfect for any chocolate addict looking for killer macros and a little guilt-free indulgence!

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Protein Mug Cake

Serves: 1 person
Calories: 304
Macros: 22g of Carbs
               10g of Fat
               34g of Protein

For the Cake:
1 ½ Tbsp Coconut Flour
1 Scoop Vanilla Casein Protein Powder (or chocolate if you have it, I don't!
½ tsp Baking Powder
1 Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1 Egg
¼ cup plus 1 Tbsp Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 Tbsp Unsweetened Natural Apple Sauce
1 Strawberry, cubed
Stevia, to taste

Mix ingredients together in a mug, making sure it is throughly mixed. Batter is thick! Microwave for 3 ½ minutes. Let the cake sit in the mug after it is finished in the microwave to ensure that is finishes cooking and sets nicely.

For the Topping:
2 Tbsp Fat Free Greek Yogurt (I use Fage 0%)
½ Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
½ Tbsp Unsweetened Almond Milk
Stevia, to taste
3 Strawberries, cubed or sliced

Mix thoroughly and pour over the top of the mug cake. Garnish with strawberries.

My Tip: At the sacrifice of a few extra calories (about 40 if you have self control), drizzle with ½ Tbsp of Raw Agave Syrup for a little extra sweetness!

Lean Legs Circuit

A no-nonsense leg circuit that can be done anywhere! At home, at the gym, outside, on the moon. Wherever you want to do it, it can be done! Add weights if you want to, but it can effectively be done without. Get some lean legs to match your jean shorts! 

Coconut Almond French Toast

I am a sucker for a fresh, hearty breakfast, and this french toast is no exception! The whole grains and fiber in the toast are enough to fill me up all morning, not to mention the protein from the eggs! Topped with a mecca of vitamins and antioxidants, it helps me start my day off on the right foot. With a smile on my face and perfectly full belly, I swear I can see the sun shining a little bit brighter.
Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a little, but I swear this was so delicious that I may be eating it for the next week straight. No shame!

Coconut Almond French Toast

Serves: 1

2 pieces of Healthy Bread of Choice (I really like Arnold's Oatnut Bread, but any healthy whole grain will do!)
2 Eggs
½ Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 Tbsp of Cinnamon
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil

Strawberries (sliced, diced, whatever really)
Almonds (slivered, chopped, sliced, etc.)
Coconut (chopped, shredded, etc.)
Sweet Natural Syrup (I prefer Agave Syrup, but Honey or 100% Natural Maple Syrup would be okay!)

In a dish, combine the eggs, unsweetened almond milk, and cinnamon, making sure to mix thoroughly.  Add the coconut oil to a pan on medium heat and allow it to melt/heat. Meanwhile, dip both sides of each piece of bread into the egg, milk, and cinnamon mixture, allowing the bread to absorb the liquid. Cook the bread in the coconut oil until golden brown on each side. This should only take a few minutes.
Garnish with strawberries, blueberries, almonds, and coconut. Lastly, drizzle with some sweet natural syrup! 
*You can also sift ½ Tbsp powdered sugar over the top if you are feeling extra sweet that morning!

Avocado Deviled Eggs

You know those mornings where you should have gone grocery shopping a few days ago? Your drained pantry as a constant reminder of your neglect? It is times like these that call for a little creativity!

This recipe came about one morning when there was literally nothing in the house except a few eggs, an avocado, and some sriracha sauce. Seriously, it isn't anymore complicated than that! With these simple, fresh ingredients, a unique breakfast idea was born….

Avocado Deviled Eggs

6 Eggs, boiled (can use more or less if you want to)
1 Avocado
Sriracha Sauce

Cut the boiled eggs in half and remove the yolks, placing them in a bowl. Mix the yolks with half an avocado. If you are using fewer eggs, use less avocado. More eggs would need more avocado. Spoon back into the egg whites. Top with sriracha sauce.

My Tip: Slice your left over avocado and eat it with sriracha sauce! There is a lovely combination of flavors between the two.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Strawberry Shortcake Casein Protein Mug Cake

Any strawberry shortcake fans out there? This girl is! This little dessert is a body builder in disguise, and it t is virtually shame-free.  From the moist, strawberry sprinkled cake to the sweetened yogurt oozing over the top, everything in this cake is made of clean ingredients that will actually feed your body with what it needs to grow muscle: protein! It is the perfect post-workout snack if you had a late gym session or if you need a little guiltless pleasure when that nighttime sweet tooth creeps up on you. Since casein protein digests slowly, it will feed your muscles through the night! Bonus!

Lately, I can't get enough of mug cakes. Genius.

Strawberry Shortcake Casein Protein Mug Cake

Serves: 1 person
Calories per Serving: 315
Macros: 19g of Carbs
              11g of Fat
              35g of Protein


For the Cake:
1 ½ Tbsp Coconut Flour
1 Scoop Vanilla Casein Protein Powder
½ tsp Baking Powder
Stevia, to taste
¼ Cup plus 1 Tbsp Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 Tbsp Unsweetened Natural Apple Sauce
1 Egg
½ tsp Vanilla Extract
1 Strawberry, cubed

For the Topping:
2 Tbsp Nonfat Greek Yogurt (I use Fage 0%)
½ Tbsp Unsweetened Almond Milk
⅛ tsp Vanilla Extract
Stevia, to taste
2-3 Strawberries, cubed
½ Tbsp Unsweetened Coconut, shredded or chopped

In a Coffee Mug, mix the ingredients for the cake, first dry then wet, making sure it is thoroughly blended. Mix in the cubed strawberries. Batter is relatively thick. Microwave for 3 minutes.
In the meantime, mix the topping. In a bowl, combine the greek yogurt, unsweetened almond milk, vanilla extract, and stevia. Let chill until cake is finished.
Top the mug cake with the mixture and garnish with cubed strawberries and the coconut. Enjoy!

My Tip: When the cake finishes cooking in the microwave, let it cool for a few minutes in the mug before flipping it onto the plate. It allows it to cook a little more and really set!

Vietnamese-Inspired Open-Faced Breakfast Sandwich

Whaaaat?! What could this be? Well, there are a lot of words I could use to describe it. Delicious, crisp, and unique come to mind right off the bat. This delectable creation is completely credited to my boyfriend, who is thrilled that his recipe is "blog worthy." ;) He is a wonderful cook, and he knows his way around the kitchen. Lately, after eating (okay, inhaling) a few banh mi sandwiches from several vietnamese places around town, he felt inspired by the flavors and started experimenting in the kitchen. This was his latest creation that was derived from the traditional banh mi sandwich, and oh my, I can't wait to see what he comes up with next! It just keeps getting better! :)

In this dish, there was a little more experimentation than usual. Neither of us have eaten radish enough to be familiar with the flavors, but the colors are so vibrant in this vegetable that we couldn't resist picking up a few at our local market! I am very glad we did. Not only did the watermelon radish add a little dazzle to the dish, but radish is also full of health benefits! They are loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C, and many essential minerals, and they also aid in vital functions of the liver and digestive system. Talk about a good addition to any pantry!

The mild flavor and crunch of the watermelon radish fit right in with the vegetables that accompanied this dish. I imagine that this beautiful little veggie would also taste wonderful raw with some hummus! Think I found my new snack! :)

Vietnamese-Inspired Open-Faced Breakfast Sandwich


1 Whole Wheat Baguette
1 Clove Garlic, minced
1 Watermelon Radish, thinly sliced
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Rosemary
1 tsp Thyme
2 Eggs
A Few Thin Slices of Pickled Carrot, Parsnip, and Red Onion (my boyfriend pickled his own, but you could also just cook these in some Olive Oil if you don't care for pickled vegetables)
Sriracha Sauce
2 Tbsp Cilantro, Chopped

Heat the oven to 350. Cut the whole wheat baguette in half length-wise, top with minced garlic, and toast in the oven. In the meantime, heat the olive oil in a pan on medium-high heat. Season the radish slices with rosemary and thyme and cook them in the olive oil for about 1-2 minutes, or until they brown very slightly. Cook the eggs to your liking. In my case, I liked them over-easy or sunny-side up with a nice runny yolk (this really added an excellent element to the dish).
Cut the baguette into smaller sections, and start layering the vegetables. Add the egg, then layer a few slices of watermelon radish, and then the pickled (or cooked in olive oil) carrots, parsnip, and red onion.  Top with Sriracha Sauce and chopped cilantro.


Flat Abs Pyramid

An ab pyramid for serious flat abs! This one left me sore for three days. It was not easy! DO it anywhere; at home, at the gym, outside, wherever!
Do not be afraid to take a break if you need to. However, only take a break equal to the amount of reps you just did. Ex) 6 leg lifts warrant a maximum of a 6 second break, 5 vertical leg crunches for a 5 second break, and so on. Feel the burn!
Enjoy! ;)

Fact or Fiction: Muscle "Weighs More" Than Fat.

Well, a little bit of both. This might be one of the most common misconceptions that I see in the world of fitness junkies. It is definitely in the top 3. There are two sides to this story.

Muscle does not "weigh" more than fat. In reality, 1 pound of muscle weighs exactly the same as 1 pound of fat.

Muscle occupies less space than fat. Meaning, that 1 pound of muscle will look a lot leaner on your thighs than 1 pound of fat will. It would take more muscle to occupy the same amount of space that fat would, often leading to the misconception that it weighs more. However, that is not the case! This is also why two women, who are of similar stature and who both weight 120 pounds, could look a lot different than each other. One woman may not have as much muscle as the other, but instead has a higher percentage of body fat that makes up those 120 pounds. This would inevitably lead to vastly different appearances between the two women.

This should also serve as a healthy reminder to not worry about the number on the scale. Focus on the quality of your weight, not the quantity!

Get Well Soon Tea

A tea for days when you need a little pick-me-up to help you get over a cold, lack of energy, or overall sluggish feeling. You know those days!

Get well soon! :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tzatziki Sauce

This makes a lot of Tzatziki Sauce, but I did not mind one bit! Made with all fresh, clean ingredients, I felt no shame in putting it on a variety of dishes for quite some time. I put it on avocado (divine), I put it on shrimp omelets (nom), I put it on falafel (perfection), and I licked the plate every time (yum). You better believe I will have ingredients ready for the unpleasant day that I run out of this stuff!

Tzatziki Sauce

Serves: a lot
Serving Size: 1 Tbsp
Calories per serving: >20

1 17 oz. container plain Greek Yogurt (I use Fage 0%)
2 1/2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Juice of Half of a Lemon
2 Cucumbers, peeled and deseeded
2 cloves of Garlic, minced
2 Tbsp Fresh Mint, chopped
2 Tbsp Parsley, chopped
1 tsp Sea Salt
2 tsp Ground Black Pepper

Just blend all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender, transfer to a container, and chill for about an hour before serving.

My Tip: Often times, tzatziki sauce is made with dill. If you are like me and are not a fan of dill, substitute it for parsley, like in the recipe. However, if you do like dill, feel free to add it!

Quick Leg Pyramid

Fab Ab February!

In case you didn't see my Fab Ab February Challenge on Instagram, couldn't read it, or are completely new to it, here it is! It is not too late to start now! Start where you feel comfortable and do the rest.

Here are the rules:
1. This does NOT replace your normal exercise routine! This is meant to add an extra challenge to what you already do. 
2. If you want to increase your chance of seeing results, you should eat a clean diet! Make conscious decisions about what you feed your body.
3. Use correct form! If you need to break up the exercises in order to do this, please do! You do not want to train with incorrect form for a number of reasons, including but not limited to injury and improper development. Using correct form on each and every rep and exercise will help yield optimal results!

At the end of the challenge, submit your results and story to me for a feature! More details on that:
1. To submit on Instagram: tag me at @fitspobod AND hashtag #FAFebruary to make sure I see it. 
2. To submit via e-mail: e-mail me at with your story! 

Get fabulous abs this February!

First Post!

Hey! Hello! Hi!

I finally set up my own blog! *round of applause* This whole process has really enlightened me as to how tech-illiterate I am. Bear with me!

If you follow me on Instagram at @fitspobod, you may notice that this blog has a different name. You are very perceptive! That is because this blog is going to be slightly different. There is a new aspect of my blog that I hope will inspire myself and others. Let me give you a quick tour! :)

The Fresh section will be anything and everything about food! Recipes, tips, shopping lists, meal plans, nutrition information, etc! You name it, it will be under this tab.

The Fit section will be dedicated to everything fitness related. Here you will be able to find my favorite workouts that were either created by me or my favorite fitness accounts. I will also be posting monthly, weekly, and daily fitness challenges that will add that extra *oomph* to your workout routine that you've been looking for. I will also be posting my progress under this section as well as progress from my subscribers!

Introducing the newest addition to my blog! The Fancy section will be the home of everything fashion related, from styles that I love to developing my own personal style. Instagram helped me completely transform my lifestyle from processed and artificial to fresh and nutritious. The Fancy section was created to do the same thing for my style. I have always loved clothes. Seriously, some would say it is a problem. I love to shop and my closet is pretty extensive, but my biggest problem is that I have no idea how to wear the things I own. You all can choose to watch this process and provide feedback, if you wish!

As I learn more about blogging, html, and techno-savvy jargon, you should prepare to watch this blog transform before your eyes. This is a blog that can't quite decide what it wants to wear each day. ;) I promise I will settle on a final day. In the meantime, take a look around!